Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Writers – Kenzie D. Froebe


I sit now with Kenzie D. Froebe from Independence High School. Look, I know this girl’s sister, so I didn’t have high hopes. I’m just kidding, but I couldn’t resist making fun of Kelsie. Anyway…

[I feel] good, ready to go. Eager to finish my last draft.

Do YOU have anything to say to the folks back home?

I don’t know. Are you going to make something up?

I opened the floor to a rant. After some prompting, I got this:

Dude, I've eaten like 2 bags of mints. When I get nervous, I eat lots of mints. Pretty much anything spearmint. I've eaten like 2 bags of Winter Fresh and two bags of best value. I've got some gum. I have like four different bags of mints, all spearmint.

Maybe not so different from your sister after all, dear Kenzie.


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