Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hour Twenty-Three: In Which Your Faithful Correspondent Signs Off

Seventeen minutes to showtime, and the audience is starting to trickle in. It's been a real privilege to blog this event on behalf of the William Inge Center, and I hope that you've enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about the making of the 24-Hour Plays. These students ought to be incredibly proud of everything that they've accomplished over the past twenty-four hours, and of course they've had a lot of help from the directors, the volunteers, and the staff of the Inge Center.

An hour before curtain, all of the participants in this year's Plays gathered in the theater for one last general meeting. "Stuff's going to go wrong," Peter Ellenstein told them. "It always does. Lines will get dropped, cues will get missed. So try to help each other out. Remember: this is about creativity and making friends and having fun, not about putting forward a perfect show. Although that would also be great." This advice somehow seemed to crystallize the spirit of the 24-Hour Plays, that commitment to craft that operates side-by-side with a willingness to explore and take risks and be silly at 3am when your body is telling you that it's long past your bedtime.

Speaking of which, I have six new plays to watch, and then several precious hours of sleep to catch up on. So good night, and thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Faithful correspondent, your attention to detail and your devotion to this project were amazing. It's nice to see your face show up at the end! What a great blog!

Anonymous said...

All of the plays were interesting to watch. I enjoyed it and so did our son. It was the first time I seen our son (age 8) stay awake and laugh at the characters. It was really difficult to note if or when they had made a mistake. Great job and well done!

Anonymous said...

Loved the blog! As a parent, it was great to watch the process. Thanks to all involved. This year was the best year yet!

Anonymous said...

I want to thank everyone that was involved in the 24-Hour Plays, this was a great year!