Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hour Ten: Sneak Preview

ELY (getting up and putting his arm around her)

You know, if this is about a boyfriend, a fiancĂ© or a husband, I know people who know people who could take him out for you—quick, clean, and untraceable.


That's sweet, but I'm in a little different sort of trouble.


Like what? Baby, you don't have to be afraid of speaking to me. I know secrets that would curl your beautifully manicured nails.


I have a bit of a gambling problem. Once I start, I just can't stop. I just get a little carried away.


A fine chick like you, I would imagine you'd think gambling's a dirty game.


Not a chance. I got a little too carried away, though. Fell in with the wrong crowd.


They cheating you?


More like robbing.

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