Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hour Nineteen: Where Things Become Tricky

This is where we truly begin to feel the effects of the week’s flood. Different groups at different locations and only one me. Returning from my humble home, I stepped in to the Goheen Foyer at the Inge Center. Yes, it still smells incredibly bad. I found Cat and Caleb loading up props and costumes for the transition to Memorial Hall!

Caleb is hard at work. I didn’t think very much when I snapped this picture, so the bright backlighting probably ruins it, but it’s the message that counts. Side story. There is a grasshopper right next to me. He is missing legs. With that sadness out of the way, We should take a moment to remember those props that no one loved.

I wish I had more to tell you about the plays, but rest assured, none of these items will be in them. The exceptions, of course, are a number of costume items that Cat remembered that she needed just before leaving.

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